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    well;be better than;feel well

well [wel]

    n.井 vi.涌出 adj.健康的,良好的,适当的 adv.好,满意地,充分地,彻底地,有理地,适当地,夸奖地 int.唔,咳

better [betә(r)]

    adj.较好的 adv.更好的,更多的,更佳的

than [ðen]

    conj.比 prep.与...相比较

feel [fi:l]

    vt.摸,触,试探,感觉,觉得,触摸,以为 vi.有知觉,(人)有某种感觉,摸索,同情 n.感觉,觉得,触摸


一场号哭通常会使她好过些。A good bawl usually makes her feel better.“诺母王从来没想要变好过"Now nome king having never tried to be good奥尔德姆队在比赛中一开始就使利物浦队的日子不好过。The oldham team gave liverpool a torrid time early on in the game.从现在起要逐步解决好过渡时期问题。We should start working now to gradually bring about a smooth transition.好过她的尸体就烂在地里面啊Better than rotting in potter's field.和你选择马爹利的理由一样——摇匀,不要搅拌(译:震惊,但不骚动)—好过香蒂啤酒。For the same reason you'd choose a martini-shaken not stirred-over a shandy.你最好过来看看赤经You better take a look at the right ascension.让自己觉得好过些…To mase myseif feei better...他们近来的日子很不好过。They have been having a rough time recently.这样作肖特好过作诺特。So it is better to be shott than nott.只是沦为家庭妇男的日子真不好过。Day is very unwell to just become the man woman of family.


日子好过 be well off

没有...更好过些 be better off without

让...日子不好过 make it hot for

