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好处的英文翻译 好处英文怎幺说 好处的英文例句





benefit [benifit]

    n.利益,好处 vt.有益于,有助于 vi.受益

advantage [әd'va:ntidʒ]


gain [gein]

    n.财物的增加,财富的获取,利润,腰槽,收穫 vt.得到,增进,赚到,开腰槽于 vi.获利,增加


我们只要观察一下那些精力十足的幼畜就能知道远系繁殖的好处。The benefit of outbreeding might be explanation enough for the vigour of their offspring.我认为适时地下雨对庄稼生长有好处。I think timely rain is good for the crops.我是说,他开一枪,对我的生意有好处I admit a shooting war's better for business夜里点灯带来的间接好处是有了安全感。An indirect benefit of a night light is a feeling of safety.友谊并非是“机会”或是能给自己带来什幺好处。It's not about opportunities or personal advantage.在户外玩耍对孩子有好处。It's good for children to play out of doors.在神经中枢发育的时候,也就是在早期怀孕阶段,补充叶酸对婴儿很有好处。It must be taken before and during early pregnancy when the neural tube is developing.在一份研究报告上,科学家表示,吃黑色巧克力对心脏有好处。Eating plain chocolate may actuallybe good for the heart scientists have said in a study.只有书呆子才相信使人困惑会有好处。Only pedants believe in the advantage of obfuscation.


从...中获得好处 made a good thing of; make a good thing of

从...中获得很大好处 make a good thing of

从...得到好处 benefit by; profit from

从中得到好处 have the best of

做得恰到好处 hitted the nail on the head

好处费 reward for go-between

对...有好处 good for; of aid to; of benefit to

对...没有好处 be of no advantage to

得到好处 make a play for; paid off

恰到好处 to a turn

恰到好处的 to the point

有下列好处即 have the advantage that

有好处 do good to

没好处 no good

烧得恰到好处 done to a turn

看上去对人有好处 kiss of death

看出的好处 see the point in

