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耗用的英文翻译 耗用英文怎幺说 耗用的英文例句



[hào yòng]

    consume; cost;consumption

consume [kәn'sju:m; (-) kәn'su:m]

    vt.消耗,消费,消灭,大吃大喝,吸引 vi.消灭,毁灭

cost [kɔst; (-) kɔ:st]

    n.成本,价钱,代价 vt.价值为,(使)花费(金钱,时间,劳力等),使失去(生命,健康等),令人付出 vi.花费

consumption [kәn'sʌmpʃ(ә)n]




习惯耗用 usage

单位材料耗用量 unit consumption of material

原料耗用 material consumption

原材料耗用指数 consumption index for raw materials

原材料耗用率 materials rate

定额耗用量分配法 allocation method of quota consumption of materials

小额耗用财产 petty sum wasting property

库存物料,库存耗用品 supplies on hand

未耗用成本 unexpired cost

未耗用费用 unexpired expense

杂项耗用品 sundry supplies

材料耗用 materials consumption

材料耗用价格差异 materials usage price variance

材料耗用价格差异,材料耗用价值差异 materials usage price variance

材料耗用定额 material consumption norm

材料耗用差异,材料使用差异,材料用量差异 materials usage variance

材料耗用标準 materials usage standards

材料耗用汇总表 summary sheet of materials used

每年耗用数,每年消费额 annual consumption

物品年耗用总值 annual usage value

现金耗用学说 cash spending approach

直接原材料耗用数 direct materials consumed

耗用原材料成本 cost of raw materials used

耗用品 supplies

耗用品盘存 supplies inventory

耗用基础 consumption basis

耗用差异 usage variance

耗用成本 consumed cost; cost of utilization

耗用材料成本 cost of raw materials used

耗用材料汇总表 summary of materials consumed

