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款待的英文翻译 款待英文怎幺说 款待的英文例句





entertain [entә'tein],招待,接受,怀抱 vi.款待


今天,我们特别以薄荷酱羔羊肉和希腊茄合款待您。Today's specials are lamb with mint sauce and moussaka.弥达斯听西勒诺斯的故事入了迷,盛情款待他长达五天五夜。Midas enchanted by silenus's fictions entertained him for five days and nights.摩特祖玛用“巧克拉特”来款待他们,那是一种味道苦涩的饮料,也就是现代巧克力的前身。Montezuma served them" chocolate" a bitter drink that was the precursor of modern chocolate.然后,我对他说,这样下去可不行,我们拿什幺款待主人呢?我们得走远一点。I said to the moor this will not do our master will not be thus serv'd we must stand farther off.他们将以盛宴款待宾客。They will regale the guests with a feast.他们受到我们的热情款待。They received our warm welcome.他们在爱丁堡结了婚,然后到了凯悉克,在那儿他们受到骚塞的款待。They were married in edinburgh and went to keswick where southey was kind to them.他在书中详尽透彻地讨论了这个问题。④款待,享受。He treats the subject throughly in his book.她今晚为款待我,现在又去準备美酒佳餚去了。She is at present gone to look for the best nectar and ambrosia to regale me this evening.她款待客人时带有做作的样子。She has a pretentious style of entertaining guests.谢谢你的热情款待。Thanks for all your hospitality.要是款待你,约翰;可是你不要让烤鸭和炖牛肉弄得你吃着发腻呀。It is your treat but you shouldn't stodge yourself with roast duck and beef stew john.


丰富的款待 profuse hospiality

以...款待 regale on; regale with

受到...的款待 break bread with; broke bread with; broken bread with

慷慨地款待 do proud

款待 treat to

款待名人而不知其身份 entertain an angel unawares

热烈款待 kill the fatted calf

盛情款待 did proud; done proud

盛情款待来客 kept open house

