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寡妇的英文翻译 寡妇英文怎幺说 寡妇的英文例句





widow [widәu]

    n.寡妇 v.使成寡妇(或鳏夫)


使…成寡妇,使成…鳏夫To make a widow or widower of.她成了寡妇而失去了生计。The widow was left unprovided for.她原是个孤女,跟老土王结婚,并非自愿,婚后才三月,就成了寡妇。Left an orphan she was married against her will to the old rajah of bundelcund;像一个继妇或寡妇Like to a step dame ora dowager一个把大把的钞票藏在糖罐里的寡妇A widow with a little wad of bills hid away in the sugar bowl.一个女人她是一位寡妇说,如果他真的胆敢暗示一下,她保险要把他宰了。One lady a widow was quite certain she should stab him if he hinted at it.印度的寡妇自愿在丈夫葬礼的柴堆上焚烧自己。The act of a hindu widow willingly cremating herself on the funeral pyre of her dead husband.有一只黑寡妇蜘蛛,一条巨蟒,一条响尾蛇标本,一只猎鹰,一只侏儒兔。He brought... a black widow spider a python a stuffed rattler a falcon a dwarf rabbit.这位女邮政局长是个寡妇。The postmistress was a widow.


享有亡夫遗产权的寡妇 dowager

享有寡妇所得产的女人 jointress; jointurees

孤儿寡妇年金方案 widows'' and orphans'' pension scheme

寡妇产权令状 writ of right

寡妇取得丈夫遗产的选择权 widow''s election

寡妇合法所得产 legal jointure

寡妇地产 estate in dower

寡妇恤金 widow''s benefit

寡妇所得产 jointure

寡妇抚恤扣除 widow deduction

寡妇抚恤费 widow''s bounty

寡妇抚恤金 widow''s benefit; widow''s bounty

寡妇请求取得亡夫遗产令状 writ of dower under nilhil habet

寡妇资格欠缺期 widow''s gap

寡妇遗产权益 dower and courtesy interests

对孤儿寡妇之课税 tax up on widows and orphans

无子女的寡妇 unencumbered widow

