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howl [haul]

    v.嚎叫,怒吼,嚎啕大哭,喝住,号叫 n.嚎叫,怒号,嚎哭

bawl [bɔ:l]

    n.叫駡声 v.大叫


四下巡行觅食的豺的嚎叫声。The bark of a jackal setting out on the prowl for food.他们的长嚎透出深深忧郁的美丽,那样的空灵无人能比。Their howls are heartbreakingly beautiful with an ethereal quality no other tribe can match.听见狼嚎我毛骨悚然。It made my flesh creep to hear the wolves howl.我想你哀嚎的样子一定很诱人,对吗But alackaday you look so pretty when you're scared don't you?现在野人野兽的嚎叫斜纹,Now like savage beast'twill howl当护士拿着注射器走过来时,孩子便嚎啕大哭起来。The child started to wail when the nurse came over with a syringe.那小孩伤心地嚎哭着要妈妈。The toddler howling wretchedly for its mother.他的哀号听上去好像某种原始动物的嚎叫。His howling sounded like some primeval beast's.他的家人只能嚎啕大哭,眼睁睁地看着这个出色的神枪手在扭曲翻滚中痛苦地死去。His family could only cry and watch this expert marksman twist and writhe in his death agonies.他今晨像野猫一样大声嚎叫。He squalled like a wildcat this morning.我不断地呼唤她:奉顺,来这里!她都不予理会,只是嚎叫着。No matter how many times I said come here bong-soon she refused to obey and cried with a yowl.因极度惊慌而突然嚎啕大哭。A panic-stricken outburst of crying.

