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    express delivery

express [ik'spres]

    adj.急速的,特殊的,明确的 n.快车,快递,专使 vt.表达,表示 adv.乘快车,以快递方式

delivery [di'livәri]

    n.递送,交付,分娩,交货,引渡 n.[律] 财产等的正式移交 发送,传输


做单车快递的工作。Working as a bicycle messenger.但摩托快递把他们挤垮了。But the motorbike couriers squeezed them out.另外请用航空快递寄这印刷品。And send this printed material by airmail special delivery please.所以我来处理他的快递。Ut I'm handling his deliveries.他是speedball快递公司的快递员Bike messenger for speedball express.我将叫人将此件用特种快递寄来。I'll have it sent down by special delivery.我想用特种快递来寄这个包裹。I'd like this parcel sent by special delivery.我要用快递寄这封信。I need to send this letter by priority mail.详情请参阅我们的价目表、适用的联邦快递服务指南或标準运输条件。See our tariff applicable fedex service guide or standard conditions of carriage for details.一男子从清理联邦快递公司的废物业务中起家发财。One man sets out to be the'fedex'of junk removal.邮件快递费用是多少?How much is the special delivery fee?


快递 express delivery

快递,快件,快信 express delivery; special delivery

快递公司 express agency; express xompany

快递费 expressage; express fee

快递车 express car

快递邮件 express mail; special delivery

快递邮件,快捷邮件 express post; speed post

快递邮资已付 express paid

捷运快递服务 courier service

用快递 by express

航空快递 air express

进货运费、快递及搬运费 freight-in, express-in, and cartage-in

