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    common perch

common [kɔmәn]

    adj.共同的,公共的,公有的,普通的,庸俗的,伪劣的 n.[複][总]平民,公有,普通,共通

perch [pә:tʃ]

    n.栖木,人所居的高位,有利的地位,杆,河鲈 v.(使)栖息,就位,位于


类似海鲈鱼的瘦肉型鱼的肉。Flesh of lean-fleshed fish similar to sea bass.鲈鱼一种鳍科的海生鱼,例如海鲈鱼和条纹石鮨Any of various marine fishes of the family serranidae such as the sea bass and the striped bass.那是晚餐,医生。我们会吃些黑鲈,还有各种其他的好吃的。饿吗?That would be dinner doctor. We'll be having sea bass with assorted good things.hungry?暖水海洋鱼,包含石首鱼、石鲈和海鳟。Warm-water marine fishes including the drums and grunts and croakers and sea trout.我叫了炖鲈鱼,I ordered poached sea bass.我推荐鲈鱼,先生。I'd recommend the perch sir.我想吃海鲈,但可否帮我把海鲈搭配简单的白酒酱汁?I'd love the sea bass but can I have it with a simple white wine sauce?小型食肉鲈形鱼,广泛生活于热带海域。Small carnivorous percoid fishes found worldwide in tropical seas.这样,首先是用芒果佐味的智利黑鲈Okay first there is a chilean sea bass prepared with a mango relish on a bag?


东洋鲈 n. common sea bass

冰鲈鱼 sea bass,iced

冻鲈鱼 frozen sea-bass

冻鲈鱼片 frozen sea-bass fillet

格纹眶棘鲈 n. sea breams

活鲈鱼 live perch sea bass,live

海鲈鱼 orange rock-fish

淡水鲈鱼 fresh water perch

狼鲈油 bass oil

真鲈 n. common sea bass

蓝鲈鱼 bergall

鲈鱼 blue pickerel Japanese sea-bass Norway haddock

