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路的英文翻译 路英文怎幺说 路的英文例句



    surname Lu

surname [sә:neim]

    n.姓 v.用姓称呼


    lutetium 鑥


2002年公厂迁址于:台中县大里市国中一路31号,扩大规模生产线机械化。Moved the factory and enlarged the capacity of factory as well as atomized the producing lines.21条条大路通罗马。21all Roads lead to rome.2分钟后到达路障点。Will contact roadblock in two minutes.


一回路 primary loop

一级公路 first class highway部分控制进入设有中央分隔带的汽车专用公路。

一级铁路 Class I Railroad

一般公路 ordinary highway, mixed traffic highway供汽车和其它车辆混合行驶的二、三、四级公路的总称。

一般路基 general subgrade,ordinary subgrade

一路上 all the way

一路平安 bond bon voyage

一路货 tar with the same brush

一路货色 be tarred with the same stick

万宝路牌香烟 Marlboro

万宝路牌香烟 Marlboro

三刃刮路机 three-blade drag

三向刮路机 three-way drag

三层结构逻辑电路 three-layer construction logic circuit

三突触回路 trisynaptic circuit

三维积体电路 three dimensional integrated

三角形路程气体雷射器 triangular-path gas laser

三路分解 three-way separation

三路叶轮泵 three-channel impeller pump

三路同轴变压器 triple coaxial transformer

三路开关 three-way switch

三路旋塞 n. three-way cock

三路电晶体载波电话终端机 transistorized 3-channel carrier telephone terminal equipment

三路电子管载波电话终端机 valve 3-channel carrier telephone terminal equipment

三路的 three way

三路表 three way table

三路阀箱 three-way valve manifold

三轮压路机 3-wheel roller

三轴串联式压路机 three-axle tandem roller triaxial tandem-roller

上尿路感染 upper urinary tract infection

