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氯的英文翻译 氯英文怎幺说 氯的英文例句



    chlorine (chemistry)

chlorine [klɔ:ri:n]


chemistry [kemistri]



一种强力的氧化剂,形成高氯酸盐。A powerful oxidizing agent; forms perchlorates.中毒检材中氯喹的定性及定量分析方法。Methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis for chloroquinoline in case samples.众所周知氯氟烃会破坏臭氧层。It is widely known that cfcs can damage the ozone layer.专用密封闭孔弹性氯丁橡胶。Specialized obturator foramen type of flexible neoprene.作者採用硫氰酸汞比色法测定纯硷中氯化钠的含量。The content of nacl in soda ash is determined by colourimetry of mercury thiocyanate.


一氟三氯甲烷 fluortrichloromethane

一氯一溴甲烷 bromochloromethane

一氯二乙基铝 aluminium diethyl monochloride

一氯代苯 monochlorobenzene

一氯化汞 mercury subchloride

一氯化物 monchloride

一氯化硫 sulfur monochloride

一氯化碘 iodine monochlorde

一氯甲硅烷 monochlorosilane

一氯甲醚 monochloromethyl ether

一氯酯 monochloro-ester

一氯醋酸 monochloroacetic acid

一氯醚 monochloro-ether

丁二醯氯 succinyl chloride

丁氯柳胺 buclosamide

丁醯氯 butyl chloride butyryl chloride

七氯 Drinox H 34 Hepta heptachlor Heptamul

七氯 Drinox H 34 Hepta heptachlor Heptamul

三丁锡氯 Tin-San

三丁锡氯 Tin-San

三元共晶氯化物 ternary eutectic chloride

三元接枝氯丁胶 three component grafted chloroprene adhesive

三唑氯安定 estazolam

三氟三氯乙烷 trifluorotrichloroethane

三氟氯乙烯树脂 chloro-trifluoro-dthylene resun

三氟氯甲烷 trifluorochloromethane

三氯丙烷 trichloropropane

三氯丙酸除草剂 Chloropon

三氯乙基磷酸酯 trischloroethyl) phosphate

三氯乙氰 trichloroacetonitrile

