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航速的英文翻译 航速英文怎幺说 航速的英文例句




    speed (of ship or plane)

speed [spi:d]

    n.迅速,速度,速率 v.加快,速飞,飞跑

ship [ʃip]

    n.船,海船,舰 v.装上船,航运,载运,在船上工作

plane [plein]

    n.平面,飞机,水準,程度,刨 adj.平的,平面的 v.刨,刨平


把三个小帆张起来,我们要加快航速。Clew the three sails up, we need to go faster.我们的航速为15节。Our speed is fifteen knots.我们的巡航速度现在达到了400公里。Our cruising speed is now up to400kms.这种新型战斗机的巡航速度为声速的两倍。The cruising speed of this new type of fighter is mach two.节,航速单位,每小时航行的海里数。Knot rate of one nautical mile per hour.


主机航速 speed by RPM, engine speed

久航速度 speed for maximum endurance

作战航速 battle speed

保证航速 n. guarantee speed

入试航速 approach speed on testing

安全航速 safety speed

实际对地航速 actual speed over the ground

实际航速 speed over ground

对地航向与航速 course and speed made good over the ground

对水有航速 make way through the water

对海底航速 speed over the bottom

巡航速度 cruising speed

布雷航速 minelaying speed

折航速度 traversing speed

拖曳式航速仪 n. patent log

拖曳航速 towing speed

探雷航速 mine detection speed

推算航速 speed made good

按港口惯例航速 with customary dispatch

最佳航速 optimum speed

最大探雷航速 mine detection speed

服务航速 service speed

正常航速 cruising speed

水下经济航速续航力 range at submerged economical speed

测航速绳 hand log line

混合制平均航速 average speed in snorkel-submerged navigation

猎雷航速 minehunting speed

紧急航速 emergency speed

经济航速 economic speed

续航速度 endurance speed

