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旱地的英文翻译 旱地英文怎幺说 旱地的英文例句




    dry land;arid land;dry field;upland field;non-irrigated land

dry [drai]

    adj.干的,乾燥的,口渴的 vt.(使)乾燥,(使)变干 v.乾燥

land [lænd]

    n.陆地,(书面语)国家、国土,地带,[複数]地产,田产 vi.靠岸,登陆,登岸,到达 vt.使上岸,使登陆,使到达,使处于

arid [ærid]


field [fi:ld]

    n.原野,旷野,领域,(一块)田地,牧场,域,战场,运动场 vt.把(穀物等)暴晒于场上,使上场 vi.担任场外队员 adj.田间的,野生的,野外的,田赛的 扫描场


安徽省几种旱地土壤磷吸附曲线的研究Studies on the phosphorous adsorption curves by the several upland soils in anhui province.目前家庭还剩水田1亩、旱地1。5亩。At present there are1mu paddy field and1.5mu dry field left in his family.施肥深度对旱地小麦花后根系衰老的影响。Influence of fertilization depth on root system senescence of upland wheat after anthesis.水田和旱地苎麻总吸镉率为1。67%和2。21%。Each of the total cd absorptivity of paddy field and nonirrigated farmland is1.67% and2.21%.水资源紧缺限制了乾旱半乾旱地区农业生产。Shortage of water resources restricted agricultural production in arid and semiarid region.现在学习一个案例,河西走廊,中国西北部典型的一个乾旱地区。A case study of the hexi corridor a typical arid area in nw china is presented.在旱地发展的生长于乾旱地带的,如岩滩、悬崖或沙漠的。用在演替系列Originating in a dry habitat such as a rocky shore cliff or desert.used of a sere.


乾旱和半乾旱地区 arid and semi-arid lands

乾旱地区 arid area

乾旱地区国家 arid zone countries

旱地 dry land, upland

旱地农业 dryland farming

旱地农作 dry farming

旱地土壤 upland soil主要依靠大气降水,种植旱作物的土壤。

旱地拖拉机 dry tilling tractor

水旱地两用拖拉机 amphibious tractor

