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咕哝的英文翻译 咕哝英文怎幺说 咕哝的英文例句



[gū nóng]

    to murmur
    to mumble
    to grumble

murmur [mә:mә(r)]

    n.低沉连续的声音,咕哝,怨言,低语 v.发低沉连续的声音,发怨言,低声说,低语

mumble [mʌmb(ә)l]

    n.喃喃而语,咕哝,闭嘴细嚼 v.喃喃而语,咕哝


他把手按在那儿,嘴里咕哝着咒语,样子令人难忘:He put his hand there and uttered this incantation impressively:我满怀讚美地咕哝着,这可是发自我那永生不朽且又不会受伤害的内心深处。I mutter admiringly from that part of me which must be immortal and invulnerable.一个半睡半醒中的声音轻轻地咕哝道:A sleepy soft grunt answered:这个无政府主义的故事是通过咕哝、嗥叫或没有含义的胡言乱语讲述的。This anarchic story is told in grunts howls or simple gibberish.“好得很!这小伙子真有几下子,”斐尼亚斯从牙缝里咕哝道。"Good! Now there's stuff in that fellow" muttered phineas between his teeth.表明已醉到极点的咕哝声。A mumble that suggested the extremity of drunkenness.过一会儿,睡着的凯西会开始咕哝,好像在寻找什幺。After a while the sleeping cayce would start to mumble as though searching for something.好得很!这小伙子真有几下子,斐尼亚斯从牙缝里咕哝道。Good! Now there's stuff in that fellow muttered phineas between his teeth.那又聋又哑的西班牙人咕哝着说,“没出息Grunted the "deaf and dumb" spaniard--to the vast surprise of the boys. "Milksop!"萨拉一边洗碗碟一边独自咕哝个没完。Mutter sarah was muttering away to herself as she did the washing-up.他的评论听起来好像只是咕哝着说给自己听的。His comment was heard only as a mumble.他咕哝出他的勉强的赞成。He grunted his reluctant approval.她说她要过一小时才来,对此,我咕哝了几个单音节的词。She said she'd be along in an hour to which I grunted something monosyllabic.主席宣布开会时,有人咕哝道:“这会看样子要开很久。”When chairman called the meeting to order someone muttered: "this looks like a three-cigar meeting."

