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姑母的英文翻译 姑母英文怎幺说 姑母的英文例句



[gū mǔ]

    father's sister
    paternal aunt

father [fa:ðә(r)]

    n.父亲,岳父,公(丈夫的父亲),祖先,前辈,长辈,神父,创始者 vt.当...的父亲,保护,创立,治理,发明,培养

sister [sistә(r)]

    n.姐妹,姐,女会员,修女,妹 vt.姐妹般对待

paternal [pә'tә:n(ә)l]


aunt [a:nt; (-) ænt]



我姑母做了手术后就日益瘦弱,可能活不了多久。Since my aunt's operation, she has simply been wasting away and may not last long.埃德娜姑母活到80高龄。Aunt edna lived to the ripe old age of eighty.安娜姑母在我生日时常常送给我袜子。Aunt anna always gives me hose for my birthday.不可露你姑母的下体,她是你父亲的骨肉之亲。Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father's sister: she is thy father's near kinswoman.姑母将这封信交给我要我烧掉。My aunty passed it to me to be burnt.你今天晚上看见汤姆时,别忘记问候你的姑母。Don't forget to ask after your aunt when you see tom this evening.她姑母送给她一个小木作纪念。Her aunt gave her a little wooden elephant as a keepsake.我的姑母住在加拿大。My aunt lives in canada.我跟着妈妈,因为masha姑母让我觉得讨厌。L'm staylng wlth mama because aunty masha stlnks.她开箱向姑母一件一件地展示海外旅行的收穫。She opened her trunks and displayed to her aunt some of the spoils of foreign travel.她在她姑母心中的地位已被她兄弟取代了。She's been supplant in her aunt's affection by her brother.我姑父和姑母住在国外。My aunt and my uncle lived abroad.我现在住在性情古怪的姑母家里。I'm staying in the house of my aunt who is nutty as a fruitcake.这对她的姑母是一种挫折。It was one in the eye for her aunt.


姑母 father''s sister

