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库尔德人的英文翻译 库尔德人英文怎幺说 库尔德人的英文例句



[kù ěr dé rén]

    Kurdish person or people

kurdish [kә:diʃ]

    adj.库尔德人的 n.库尔德语

person [pә:s(ә)n]


people [pi:p(ә)l]

    n.人,人们,民族,人类,公民 vt.使住(满)人


而库尔德人已在北部形成了事实上的自治。The kurds have a de facto state of their own in the north.建立一个库尔德人的国家,Estsblishing sn independent kurdish stste库尔德人被指控在1980年代的两伊战争中援助伊朗,然后他们遭到屠杀。The slaughter began after kurds were accused of aiding iran during the iran-iraq war in the1980s.库尔德人居住在库尔德斯坦跨国地区的一个游牧和农业民族的成员A member of a pastoral and agricultural people inhabiting the transnational region of kurdistan.你是个伊朗库尔德人吗?Are you an iranian kurd?是的,我是库尔德人,库尔德医生。Yes! I am an iranian kurd and a doctor.一个库尔德人说在1860年在他的村子里发生了军事行动。An ethnic kurd spoke about the military action in his village in the1980s.伊拉克前总统萨达姆?侯赛因被指控杀害了成千上万库尔德人。The former iraqi president saddam hussein is charged with having killed thousands of kurd people.原因是伊朗支持伊拉克库尔德人的判乱。Among the issues was iranian support for iraqi kurdish rebels.这个(库尔德人)之后去了1家荷兰的庇护所。The man later sought asylum in the netherlands.

