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苦脸的英文翻译 苦脸英文怎幺说 苦脸的英文例句



[kǔ liǎn]

    A sad face.

sad [sæd]



他愁眉苦脸。There is a gloomy, overcast expression on his face.愁眉苦脸是没有用的,天要下雨时谁也没法子。It's no use pulling a long face, no one can help the fact that it is raining.愁眉苦脸、垂头丧气的样子、忧郁的表情。A doleful face manner expression etc噢,安东尼,看在上帝的份上振作起来,我不喜欢再看到你愁眉苦脸。Oh buck up for heaven's sake anthony! I'm sick of looking at your miserable face.他的悲伤…使他看起来…憔悴且…愁眉苦脸-乔治•杜•莫里耶。His sorrow... made him look... haggard and... woebegone-george du maurier.迪克总是愁眉苦脸的样子,还老说那些没有人感兴趣的话,太扫兴了。Dick is such a wet blanket with that worried look on his face and his boring talk.苦脸的约瑟夫从穀仓的一个圆窗里探出头来。Vinegar-faced joseph projected his head from a round window of the barn.你要儘量高兴点;不要如此愁眉苦脸。You should try to be more cheerful and not mop and mow so much.一个愁眉苦脸、衣衫褴褛的俄国姑娘给他端来一杯茶。One of the girls a sad shabby russian brought him tea in a glass.


悉眉苦脸 draw on a long face; made on a long face; make on a long face; pull a long face; wear a long face

愁眉苦脸 drawn on a long face; drew on a long face; put on a long face

