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汗腺的英文翻译 汗腺英文怎幺说 汗腺的英文例句



[hàn xiàn]

    sweat gland

sweat [swet]

    n.汗 v.(使)出汗

gland [glænd]



乳腺由内分泌系统调节,从汗腺变化而来。Regulated by the endocrine system it is derived from a modification of sweat glands.艾戈先生将从一个泪腺或汗腺出来Mr.igoe will exit through a tear duct or a sweat gland.地球暖化,汗腺任务加重,未来情况如何?What will happen as the planet heats and more is asked of our sweat glands?粟疹:炎性皮肤疾病,位于汗腺开口处的多发性小皮损。Miliaria: inflammatory skin disorder with multiple small sites at sweat pores.因为狗和许多动物一样,没有汗腺。That's because dogs like many animals have no sweat glands.


乳头状汗腺腺瘤 hidroadenoma papilliferum

化脓性汗腺炎 hidradenitis suppurativa

发疹性汗腺腺瘤 eruptive hidroadenoma

外泌汗腺 eccrine sweat gland简称"汗腺"。分布于身体大部分的汗腺。

外生殖器汗腺腺瘤 syringoma of external genitalia

大汗腺 apocrine sweat glands又称"顶泌汗腺"。

大汗腺囊瘤 apocrine hidrocystoma

大汗腺囊腺瘤 apocrine cystadenoma

大汗腺癌 apocrine carcinoma

小汗腺 eccrine sweat glands又称"外泌汗腺"。

小汗腺囊瘤 eccrine hidrocystoma

小汗腺汗孔瘤 eccrine poroma

小汗腺癌 eccrine carcinoma

小汗腺腺瘤 eccrine hidroadenoma

局泌汗腺 merocrine sweat gland

汗腺 sweat gland

汗腺明细胞 clear cell

汗腺暗细胞 dark cell

透明细胞汗腺腺瘤 clear cell hidroadenoma

顶泌汗腺 apocrine sweat gland

