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工作队的英文翻译 工作队英文怎幺说 工作队的英文例句




    a working group
    a task force

working [wә:kiŋ]

    n.工作,工作方式,劳动 adj.工作的,劳动的,经营的,抽搐的,施工用的,运转的

group [gru:p]

    n.团体,组,团,群,批,[地]界,[化]基 v.聚合,成群

task [ta:sk; (-) tæsk]

    n.任务,作业 v.分派任务

force [fɔ:s]

    n.力量,武力,精力,魄力,势力,暴力,[複]军队,影响力 vt.强制,强加,(用武力)夺取,促使,推动,施加压力


图为工作队高举队旗在曼德勒市街头宣传抗日。The picture shows team appealing for resistance against japan on the streets of mandalay.db000027。dat这是mta工作队列,其中包含等待传输的邮件的列表。Db000027.dat this is the mta work queue that contains a list of messages waiting for transfer.把军队变为工作队Turn the army into a working force非洲经济复苏和发展行动纲领工作队;Task force on the programme of action for african economic recovery and development;军队不但是一个战斗队,而且主要地是一个工作队。The army is not only a fighting force it is mainly a working force.联合国终止託管工作队;United nations task force on termination of trusteeship;难民和回返问题工作队;Refugee and return task force;随着战斗的逐步地减少,工作队的作用就增加了。With the gradual decrease in hostilities its function as a working force will increase.疫苗品质控制工作队;Vaccine quality control task force;饮水和环境卫生工作队;Water and environment sanitation team;援助巴勒斯坦人民工作队;Task force for the palestinian people;


危险品处理工作队通信 hazardous materials team communication

小型工业问题工作队 working party on small scale industries

工作队 n. gang

工作队列 work queue

工作队列目录 work queue directory

工作队组织 team organization

扶贫工作队 work team for assisting poor area

油井工作队 well site team

贸易和支付问题工作队 working party on trade and payments

辅助工作队 extra gang

输助工作队 relief shift

