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垢的英文翻译 垢英文怎幺说 垢的英文例句




dirt [dә:t]


disgrace [dis'greis]

    n.耻辱,失宠,丢脸的人(或事) v.玷污


我的牙齿上有许多牙垢。I have a lot of tartar on my teeth.衣服与人体皮肤紧密接触,粘上一定数量的皮脂形成污垢。Clothing in contact with human skin picks up measurable amounts of greasy human sebum as a soil.在pfge中发现耻垢分枝桿菌mc~2155也具有dnd表型。The dnd phenotype was also found in dna of mycobacterium smegmatis mc2155by pfge.在淘金盘中洗去污垢而分出宝贵的矿石。Wash dirt in a pan to separate out the precious minerals.这个脸盆内有一圈污垢。There is a ring of scum in the washbasin.这老头蓬头垢面,衣衫褴褛。The old man was shabby and unkempt.


包皮垢 smegma

化学脱垢 n. chemical cleaning

印版污垢 plate filling

去垢剂 detergent

去垢棒 n. scaling bar

去垢油 detergent oil

垢着病 Aketzuki disease

垢转化剂 scale converter

家用除垢製剂 scale removing preparation for household purpose

忍辱含垢 eat dirt; eat humble pie

手垢 thumbmark

排垢孔 n. mud hole

探垢铜丝 copper puff

敲除水垢用的锤 n. scaling hammer

机械锅炉水垢收集器 machine boiler scale collector

氨基多羧酸盐防垢剂 aminopolycarboxylate anti-scaling agent

水垢 sediment

水垢洼油 n. scum dish

污垢 scale, fouling又称"结垢"。

污垢堆积 accumulation of mud

污垢轮 greasy collar

油层产出水结垢 produced-water scaling简称"结垢"。

清除锅垢 descale

灯具污垢减光 luminaire dirt depreciation

炉垢 n. boiler scale

炊用除垢器 cleaner for cooking use

牙垢 dental debris

生水垢 fur up

白垢 materia alba

磁力除垢器 scale-borer

