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    to snore

snore [snɔ:(r)]

    v.打鼾,打着鼾渡过(时间) n.打鼾,鼾声


大灰吃饱后,便打起鼾睡着了。After the timber wolf ate his fill he slept well with snores.改变打鼾者的睡姿也会有所帮助,Changing the position in which the snorer sleeps also helps.昏暗中有鼾声如雷,那是陈月娥的当码头工人的哥哥。Stentorian snores came from the shadows-chen yueh-ngo's elder brother a stevedore.上石膏的还是打鼾的?The cripple or sleeping beauty?他的鼾声把她惊醒了。His snores woke her up.他的鼾声把我吵醒了。His snores woke me up.他的鼾声打扰了我们的睡眠。His snore disturbed our sleep.他很快睡着并开始打起鼾来。He soon fell asleep and began to snore.他是个可怕的打鼾者。He's a terrible snorer.他躺在那里,打着鼾并发出哨声。He lay there snoring and whistling.她没有打鼾,只是鼻道性的重複。She does not snore she is nasally repetitive.以吵人、打鼾的方式。In a noisy and stertorous manner.昨晚我打鼾了吗?Say did I snore last night?


大声打鼾 drive her pigs to market; drive his pigs to market; drive my pigs to market; drive our pigs to market; drive their pigs to market; drive your pigs to market; driven her pigs to market; driven his pigs to market; driven my pigs to market

打着鼾度过 snore awaiy

打鼾 sawn wood

鼾声停 snore stop

鼾声停 snore stop

鼾病 snoring disease

鼾音 sonorous rhonchi

