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海战的英文翻译 海战英文怎幺说 海战的英文例句




    naval battle

naval [neiv(ә)l]


battle [bæt(ә)l]

    n.战役(指大规模会战),战争 vi.作战,战斗,搏斗,斗争


我建议,珊瑚海战役以后我们再谈I suggest we meet again after the coral sea campaign.亚克兴海战决定了罗马帝国的命运。The sea battle of actium decides the fate of the roman empire.在大西洋海战中英国的商船遭受了巨大的损失。There was heavy loss in britain's merchant tonnage during the battle of the atlantic.关于海战的巴黎宣言;Paris declaration respecting maritime war;你可以从《大海战》这部书中了解更多的东西。You can learn more from the book "sea fight".我有过在巷战和海战中的狙击经验。Ve got experience sniping in urban and marine environments.在现代海战中,很少短兵相接。In modern naval warfare men seldom fight hand to hand.这一场大海战,胜负取决于四个因素。The great sea fight turned on four elements.


人海战术 tactics of human sea"-- a big increase in the labor force

沿海海战 coastal water warfare

海战 maritime warfare

海战区 area of naval warfare

海战场 sea warfield

海战手段 means of naval warfare

海战法 law of sea warfare

海战法则 laws of naval war

海战法规 laws and rules of naval warfare

海战法规及惯例 laws and customs of maritime war

