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利益集团的英文翻译 利益集团英文怎幺说 利益集团的英文例句



[lìyì jítuán]

    interest group

interest [intrәst]

    n.兴趣,关心,重要性,影响,利息,[常 pl.] 利益,利害 vt.使发生兴趣,引起...的注意

group [gru:p]

    n.团体,组,团,群,批,[地]界,[化]基 v.聚合,成群


不受政党或者利益集团控制。Not controlled by a party or interest group.利益集团不被允许进入众议院或参议院,也不能投票。No interest group is permitted to enter the house of representatives or the senate and vote.们刚刚得知,他受到了某个利益集团的经济支持。It has now come to light that he was financially backed by some interest group.他们是谋求影响的利益集团They're an interest group jockeying for influence.一个新的规制理论,即利益集团理论逐渐兴起。Now there arises a new theory of regulation-interest group theory.一个专门的利益集团出版的一种杂誌。A periodical that is published by a special interest group.由某利益集团支持的特殊事业The particular cause supported by an interest group.那些被亚洲医院抢去饭碗的既得利益集团。Vested interests whose jobs are in effect being outsourced.政策的创立取决于既得利益集团。Vested interest groups are responsible for the creation of policy.


共同利益集团 community of interest

利益集团 interest group

利益集团,利益团体 interest group

既得利益集团 vested interests

特殊利益集团 special interest group

