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空军基地的英文翻译 空军基地英文怎幺说 空军基地的英文例句




    air base

air [eә(r)]

    n.空气,样子,天空,空中,曲调 vt.晾乾,使通风,宣扬,夸耀,显示

base [beis]

    n.底部,基础,根据地,基地,本部,基数,(运动)出发点 vt.以...作基础,基于... adj.卑鄙的,低级的


第一次空袭的情况是这样的:一架义大利双翼飞机从空中向一个利比亚空军基地投下两颗可擕式炸弹。The first air raid dropped two hand-held bombs from an italian biplane on a libyan airfield.对空军基地的致命攻击。A deadly attack on the air base.联合王国成为一庞大的空军基地。The united kingdom was one gigantic air base.他收到了一个特殊棺材的订单,这个棺材将被带去空军基地医院。He received a request for special coffins to be taken to the air force base hospital.我们的人会袭击空军基地Our people are gonna attack the air base现在在安德鲁空军基地…Here at andrews air force base...这是空军基地的飞机跑道It's the air base runway on this side.这是在爱德华兹空军基地的第50次着陆。It was the50th shuttle landing at edwards.这些空军基地遭到猛烈的空袭。The air bases were subjected to intense air attack.重建战后被关闭的空军基地。To reestablish the air base closed after the war.精确轰炸用于摧毁敌人的空军基地和军工厂。Precision bombing was used to destroy enemy airbases and armaments factories.星光旗(美国国旗)在沖绳岛的美国空军基地上空飘舞着。The star-spangled banner was floating above the base of the u.s.air force in okinawa.


空军基地 air base

