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流线型的英文翻译 流线型英文怎幺说 流线型的英文例句





streamline [stri:mlain]



流线型轮廓设计,为浴室创造幽雅氛围。A design with streamline contours creating an elegant ambience for the bathroom.鸟的身体上光滑地覆盖了很多短小的交错重叠的羽毛,呈现流线型。The bird's body is streamlined with a smooth covering of short overlapping feathers.鸟的身体因覆盖着一层光滑而重叠的短羽毛而更具流线型。Birds'bodies are streamlined with a smooth covering of short overlapping feathers.任何通过它的液体或气体将呈流线型的流动。Any liquid or gas passing it will have streamline flow.如果推进力改善而流线型没有改善,那游泳运动员会游的更快。If prolusion is improved and streamline is not then a swimmer will go faster.他的汽车装有遥控前灯和流线型的反光镜。His ear has remote-control headlights and streamlined wing mirrors.糖鱼具有最奇妙的流线型身体。Mackerel have most marvellously streamlined bodies.这样一款最新流线型的Wherein this most streamlined and trunkless of transports-最后,艾米丽雅驾驶着一架流线型洛克希德织女座飞机飞上蓝天,取代了她原先的客机。Eventually amelia was flying a sleek lockheed vega instead of an airster.最快的汽车、机和火车的车身都是流线型的。The fastest automobiles airplanes and trains have streamline bodies.


使...和...组合流线型 fair into

半流线型的 semi streamlined

合叶流线型舵的一种 n. Oertz rudder

有流线型尾部的 boat tailed

流线型 n. streamline shape

流线型体 ichthyoid

流线型列车 streamline train

流线型化 streamlining

流线型外形 n. streamline shape

流线型尾流 n. streamline wake

流线型抽油泵 streamlined pump

流线型机组 streamlined unit

流线型烟囱 streamlined funnel

流线型物 streamliner

流线型的 streamlined

流线型舵 streamline rudder

流线型设计 airflow design

流线型车体 streamlined car body

流线型限制 n. fairness limit

高度流线型车身 cowl

