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供需的英文翻译 供需英文怎幺说 供需的英文例句




    supply and demand

supply [sә'plai]

    n.补给,供给,供应品 vt.补给,供给,提供,补充,代理 vi.替代他人职务

demand [di'ma:nd; (-) di'mænd]

    n.要求,需求(量),需要 v.要求,需要,要求知道,查询


二是供需关係由卖方市场转向买方市场;Second the supply-demand relationship has transformed from a seller's to a buyer's market.


供求定律,供求法则,供需法则,供需律 law of supply and demand

供求模型,供需模型 supply-demand model

供需双方 supplying and requisitioning parties

供需员 supply officer

供需失调 maladjustment of supply and demand

供需平衡 balance of supply and demand

供需弹性 elasticity of demand or supply

供需总量 total supply and demand

供需曲线结构 demand and supply curve framework

供需法则 law of supply and demand

供需规律 law of supply and demand

公司供需定律 law of corporate supply and demand

可贷资金的供需情况决定利率论 demand for and supply of loanable funds theory of interest rate

市场供需平衡 market equilibrium

市场劳动力供需平衡 equilibrium of labor market

有色金属中间产品供需合同 contract for supply and demand of intermediary products for nonferrous metals

根据供需法则而浮动的英镑 floating pound

水资源供需分析 supplydemand analysis of water resources对某特定範围及特定目的进行供用水现状和需水前景的估计,并寻求供水方案,以适应供需发展的要求。

汽车产品供需合同 contract for supply and demand of auto products

物资供需衔接 dovetailing of supply and demand of materials and equipment

能源供需平衡 balanced supply and demand of energy

虚假供需系统 bogus demand and supply system

