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海里的英文翻译 海里英文怎幺说 海里的英文例句





marine [mә'ri:n]

    n.舰队,水兵,海运业 adj.海的,海产的,航海的,船舶的,海运的


像片羽毛一样,克瑞托斯发现他从海里面飞了上来回到了陆地之上。Broughten off like a feather kratos found himself risen from the sea and placed on solid earth.像一片落进海里的雪花。Lost as a snowflake in the sea.一个令人吃惊的想法出现在他的脑海里。A startling idea had occurred to him.一个奇怪的想法在我的脑海里萌生。A strange idea began to take shape in my mind.一起在大海里比赛游泳And out into the open sea...战争的印象深深地铭刻在人民的脑海里Imagery of the war has branded itself into the national consciousness.


三海里区 three-mile zone

三海里界限 three mile limit

三海里规则 three-mile rule

三海里领海界限 three-mile limit

两百海里区 two-hundred-mile zone; 200-mile zone

二十四海里封闭线 24 mile closing line

二十四海里海洋权 200-mile right

克罗梭夫-穆斯海里什维里法 Kolosoff-Muskhelishvili method

国际海里 international nautical mile

地理海里 gergraphic mile

平均海里 mean nautical mile

把...打到海里 wash overboard

每吨海里燃油消耗量 fuel consumption per ton n mile

海里 nautical mile

海里吨 ton-miles

海里康属叶纤维 balizier fibre

海里维他牌手錶 Helvetia

海里维他牌手錶 Helvetia

英制海里 Admiralty measured mile; English sea mile

英国海军部海里 Admiralty measured mile

英国海里 UK nautical mile

赤道海里 equatorial geographical mile

