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海浪的英文翻译 海浪英文怎幺说 海浪的英文例句




    sea wave

sea [si:]


wave [weiv]

    n.波,波浪,(挥手)示意,致意 vi.(挥手)示意,致意,波动,飘动,摇动


海浪汹涌地拍击着沙滩The sea rolls its waves onto the sand.今天最好的海浪在哪里?Where is the best surf today?留意海浪的大小。记下样条的方向。Note the wave action.record direction of the transect.啤酒,海浪,就在隔壁间的意志薄弱的啦啦队员Beers waves and weak-willed cheerleaders right next door.石灰石构成的石柱终年都被无情的海风和海浪雕刻着。Years of unforgiving wind and waves have shaped and sculpted these limestone columns.她在汹涌的海浪中紧紧地抱住岩石。She clung to the rocks among the surging waves.天文台除每年出版香港潮汐表外,并评估极端风暴潮和海浪出现的机率。The observatory produces an annual tide table for hong kong.我们坐着,倾听着海浪打在卵石上的声音。We sat listening to the noise of the waves on the shingle象低语的海浪;喃喃的低语声。Like murmuring waves; susurrant voices.小艇直在海浪中摇摆。The skiff was dancing at the stern.阳光使海浪粼粼发光。Sunlight was sparkling the waves.由于迷迭香多半生长在海浪与浓雾交会之处,Owing to its tendency to grow in places where sea spray and fog meet


沖到甲板上的海浪 green sea

地震海浪 tsunami

海浪 ocean wave

海浪回波 sea echo

海浪干扰抑制 anti-clutter sea

海浪谱 ocean wave spectrum

海浪速度 n. sea speed

航空海浪记录仪 airborne sea and swell recorder

被海浪打进来 ship a sea

防海浪式 heavyseaproof type

隐海浪 n. blind seas

