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工业产权的英文翻译 工业产权英文怎幺说 工业产权的英文例句



[gōngyè chǎnquán]

    industrial property right

industrial [in'dʌstriәl]

    adj.工业的,产业的,实业的,从事工业的 n.工业工人,[商]工业股票

property [prɔpәti]


right [rait]

    n.正义,公正,正确,权利,右边,右派 adj.正当的,正确的,对的,合适的,恰当的,健康的,健全的,正面的 adv.正当地,正确地,一直地,直接地,完全地,彻底地,在右边


肯雅工业产权局已充分实现了自动化。The kenyan industrial property office had been fully automated.


保护工业产权 protection of industrial property

保护工业产权的巴黎公约 Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, 1883

国际保护工业产权协会,国际保障工业产权协会 International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property

国际工业产权保护公约 International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property

国际工业产权保护局 International Bureau for the Protection of Industrial Property

国际工业产权保护联盟 International Union for the Protection of Industrial Property

工业产权 industrial property right; industrial property

工业产权专门服务处 special industrial property service

工业产权制度 industrial property system

工业产权服务处 industrial property service

工业产权期满后的限制 restrictions after expiration of industrial property rights

工业产权权利 industrial property right

工业产权法 industrial property law

工业产权的许可合同 contract for licensing of industrial property

工业产权的转让合同 contract for assignment of industrial property

工业产权纠纷案件 controversy over industrial property rights

巴黎工业产权保护同盟[简称 巴黎公约 Paris Convention"] Convention of the Union of Paris for the Protection of Industrial Property

