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流速的英文翻译 流速英文怎幺说 流速的英文例句




    flow speed
    rate of flow

flow [flәu]

    n.流程,流动,(河水)氾滥,洋溢 vi.流动,涌流,川流不息,飘扬 vt.溢过,淹没

speed [spi:d]

    n.迅速,速度,速率 v.加快,速飞,飞跑

rate [reit]

    n.比率,速度,等级,价格,费用 vt.估价,认为,鑒定等级,责駡 vi.被评价,责駡


提出了一种用球形热敏电阻测量气流速度的方法。Presents a method to measure the wind velocity with the thermistor as the velocity sensor.


三维流速计 three-dimensional current-meter

临界沖刷流速 critical scouring velocity

临界摩擦流速 critical friction velkocity

临界流速 critical flow velocity; critical velocity

临界流速流量计 critical flow prover

人流速率 people flow rate

低流速仪 low speed current meter

可擕式气流速度计 portable air velocity meter

沖刷流速 erosive velocity

刻度盘流速计 dial flow meter

十进位流速脉搏计 tachopulsometer of decimal scale

卡曼涡流速计 n. Karman''s vortex current meter

双向血流速度计 bidirectional blood velocity meter

发电机式流速仪 dynamo current meter

叶片式流速计 bucket current meter

喷嘴式流速计 nozzle meter

回归大潮流速 n. tropic velocity

地下水流速 velocity of groundwater flow

多普勒镭射流速计 Doppler laser velocimeter

孔流速计 orifice meter

实际流速 actual flow velocity

容许流速 allowable velocity

射流的枪口流速 nozzle velocity of jet stream

射流速度 jet velocity又称"喷射速度"。

射流速率感测器 fluidic rate sensor

层流速度分布 laminar velocity profile

平均流速 mean velocity; flow velocity

平衡流速 equilibrium volocity

底层流速计 bottom current meter

底流速 bed velccity; bottom velocity

