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共同市场的英文翻译 共同市场英文怎幺说 共同市场的英文例句




    Common Market;general market

common [kɔmәn]

    adj.共同的,公共的,公有的,普通的,庸俗的,伪劣的 n.[複][总]平民,公有,普通,共通

market [ma:kit]

    n.市场,销路,行情 vt.在市场上交易,使上市 vi.在市场上买卖

general [dʒenәr(ә)l]

    n.普通,将军,概要 adj.一般的,普通的,综合的,概括的,全面的,大体的 n.常规

market [ma:kit]

    n.市场,销路,行情 vt.在市场上交易,使上市 vi.在市场上买卖


东加勒比共同市场协定;East caribbean common market agreement;关于南锥体共同市场体制结构的亚松森条约附加议定书;Additional protocol to the treaty of asuncion concerning the institutional structure of mercosur;加勒比共同体和共同市场;Caribbean community and common market;近来,欧洲共同市场採用一种新税制,即增值税。A recent type of tax that has won recognition in the european common market is value-added tax.欧洲共同市场诞生于1958年。The european common market came into being in1958.欧洲共同市场纺织业协调委员会;Coordination committee for the textile industries in the european common market;欧洲经济共同体,即众所周知的共同市场。The european economic community popularly known as the common market他们将建立一个区域间贸易不受限制的共同市场。They would establish a common market with unrestricted intrazonal trade.英国之加入共同市场。Britain's entry into the common market.在共同市场配方设计中的稳定性Stability in a common market formulation.中美洲共同市场基金;Cacm; central american common market fund;

