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海盗的英文翻译 海盗英文怎幺说 海盗的英文例句





pirate [paiәrәt]

    n.海盗,盗印者,盗版者,侵犯专利权者 vt.盗印,盗版,掠夺,翻印 vi.做海盗


印第安人队被明尼苏达海盗队击败。The redskins were outplayed by the minnesota vikings.有人在海岸附近的一个山洞里用过这台机器,据说海盗过去惯常把黄金藏在那儿。The machine was used in a cave near the sea-shore where it is said pirates used to hide gold.玉米田:玉米用来作俘虏吃的粗食,还可以製作海盗吃的啤酒和航海食品。Corn farm: corn makes slop for captives plus beer and sea rations for pirates.在这只水獭海盗上船之前赶紧封舱做好準备!他有厉害的右勾手!Batten down the hatches when this sea otter pirate comes aboard. He's got a great right hook!这台机器曾在海岸附近的一个山洞里用过,据说海盗过去常常在那里藏金子。The machine was used in a cave near the sea-shore where-it is said-pirates used to hide gold.这些海盗向船主索取金钱以换取释放水手。The pirates demanded money from the ship owners for their release.中国发动了一个100天的运动保护ipr并且提起与海盗行为作斗争的了解。China has waged a100-day campaign to protect ipr and raise the awareness of fighting piracy.做海盗就要鬼鬼祟祟才对A sneaky pirate is a stinky pirate.


套装海盗玩具 pirate playset

德勒格默勒-海盗牌大客车 Droegmoeller Corsair

德勒格默勒-海盗牌大客车 Droegmoeller Corsair

无线电海盗 radio pirate

海盗 pirate

海盗广播 pirate broadcasting

海盗广播站 pirate broadcasting station

海盗旗 Jolly Roger

海盗无线电 pirate radio

海盗无线电广播船 pirate radio ship

海盗版 piracy; piratical edition

海盗电台 pirate radio station

海盗罪 crime of piracy; piracy

海盗船 picaroon; pirate ship; piratical ship; sea rover

海盗行为 piracy

海盗飞机 pirate aircraft

返回海盗船货报酬权 right to remuneration for returning pirated ship and cargo

追回海盗船货报酬权 droit de recouse

