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孔的的英文翻译 孔的英文怎幺说 孔的的英文例句



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一种输出装置,它在穿孔卡上产生以孔的模式表示的资料记录。An output unit that produces a record of data in the form of hole patterns in punch cards.一种由电脑控制的或手工控制的在欲穿孔或已穿过孔的卡片上打孔的穿孔机。A computer-actuated punch or a hand punch that punches holes in a punch card or punched card.用来给纸或皮革打孔的钳子。Pliers for perforating paper or leather.用来洒胡椒粉的顶部有穿孔的混合器。A shaker with a perforated top for sprinkling ground pepper.用熟知的浸洗办法制出带孔的药片。A porous pellet was fabricated by the well-known wash-out process.有黄色细小气孔的蘑菇。Mushrooms with minute yellow pores.有小齿轮可以在蜡纸上刻小孔的书写工具。A writing implement with a small toothed wheel that cuts small holes in a stencil.在穿孔卡片或纸带上穿孔的一种动作。A perforation as in a punched card or paper tape.自动地将编码电信号变换为纸带上的穿孔的任何纸带穿孔机。Any tape punch that automatically converts coded electrical signals into perforation in tape.钻头,钻石器,钻孔器用于在岩石或砖石上钻孔的针形钻A needle-shaped drill for boring holes in rock or masonry.


三孔的 triporate

半多孔的 semi porous

单孔的 uniporous

双孔的 spectacled

多孔的 multiporous

大筛孔的 wide meshed

孔的盖板 blind patch

宽网孔的 wide meshed

小孔的螺旋状排列 spiral pattern of apertures

岩石钻孔的 rock boring

带双孔的法兰 n. spectacle-blank flange

底面开孔的 base vented

散孔的 pantoporate

无孔的 porous free; void free

无细孔的 non porous

有两副面孔的人 jekyll and hyde

有小孔的 fenestrate

有锚链孔的船首部 n. hawse

粗筛孔的 wide meshed

覆盖层-具穿孔的 tectate-perforate

覆盖层-无穿孔的 tectate-imperforate

边缘穿孔的 margin punched

锚链孔的喇叭型出口 n. bell mouth

