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公平交易的英文翻译 公平交易英文怎幺说 公平交易的英文例句



[gōngpíng jiāoyì]

    fair dealing

fair [feә(r)]

    adj.美丽的,女性的,(肤色)白皙的,(头髮)金黄的,乾净的,公平的,(天气)晴朗的 adv.公平地,公正地,直接地,清楚地 n.美好的事物,美人,展览会,市集 vi.转晴

dealing [di:liŋ]



抱歉,但我觉得这不是公平交易God. Sorry but it just doesn't seem like a fair trade.二关于审议本法有关公平交易事项。 Of any fair trade matters related to this law;公正的裁判;公平交易;在公平的关係上;公平竞争;千方百计。A fair referee; fair deal; on a fair footing; a fair fight; by fair means or foul.决不撒谎,欺瞒或偷盗,坚守公平交易。Never lie cheat or steal always strike a fair deal.决不撒谎,欺瞒或偷窃,坚守公平交易。N ever lie cheat or steal.always strike a fair deal.决不撒谎,欺骗,偷窃,公平交易。Never lie cheat or steal.always smile a fair deal.决不撒谎、欺瞒或盗窃,坚持公平交易。Never lie cheat or steal.always strike a fair deal.你觉得如何?公平交易?So what do you think fair trade?我相信与你们做买卖会得到公平交易。I am sure I can expect a fair deal when trading with you.五关于公平交易之其它事项。5.any Other matters related to fair trade.一关于公平交易政策及法规之拟订事项。1.preparation And formulation of fair trade policy laws and regulations;这是违反公平交易的!A violation of a fair trade!

