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还能的英文翻译 还能英文怎幺说 还能的英文例句



[hái néng]

    can also; still can

can [ken]

    vt.装进罐中,把食品装罐 n.罐头,铁罐 conj.能,可以

also [ɔ:lsәu]


still [stil]

    n.寂静,剧照,照片 adj.静止的,静寂的 adv.还,仍,更,还要,儘管如此,依然 静止画面,静态图片


晚祷时,我还能缺席吗?But may l have permission to be absent from vespers?我还能去观光吗?Can I still go sightseeing?我们还能发现这里有离车而去的血迹We also have a blood trail leading away from the car.我们是否还能收复曾经的乐园?Is there the chance of paradise regain?我希望,你的严肃还能让出一点儿地方来容纳开玩笑的想像。Your solemnity will allow some quarter to playful fancy I hope.我现在还能回忆起他慈祥的面容。In my mind's eye I can still see his kind face.我想我还能再吃一块。I think I can do with one more piece.勇气,是到了开饭时间还拼命巴望着在“真”肉汤里还能有“真”肉块。Courage is mealtime and desperately hoping it's not chunky chunkys in "real" gravy again.中心还能提供多学科间综合性的治疗。The center provides a multidisciplinary approach to care.


借贷偿还能力,借款偿还能力 ability to repay loan

债务人无偿还能力 insolvency of debtors

偿还能力 repaying capability; payment ability; credit standing; credit worthiness

外资偿还能力 capacity of foreign capital repayment; capacity to repay foreign capital

实际偿还能力 actual capacity to repay

无偿付能力,无偿还能力,无偿债能力 insolvency

无偿还能力行为 act of insolvency

粗糙但还能用的 rough adn ready

贷款偿还能力 credit liquidity

贷款偿还能力标準 credit standards

