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工具钢的英文翻译 工具钢英文怎幺说 工具钢的英文例句



[gōngjù gāng]

    tool steel;chisel tool steel

tool [tu:l]

    n.工具,用具,爪牙,走狗,手段 vt.用工具加工,使用设备 vi.使用工具

steel [sti:l]


chisel [tʃiz(ә)l]

    n.凿子 v.砍凿


坩埚法:生产优质钢或工具钢的工艺。Crucible process: technique for producing cast or tool steel.类型:高速工具钢。Type: high speed tool steels.在很长的一段时间内,所有优质工具钢和高速钢都是用坩埚法熔炼。All high-quality tool steel and high-speed steel was long made by the crucible process.切断刀片材料高速工具钢,螺旋线式剪切。The material to cut off blade material is of high-speed tool steel.摘要採用icp-oes法同时测定高速工具钢中钨、铬、钒、钼元素的含量。It is reported that w cr v mo in high speed tool steel were determined satisfactorily by icp-oes.


低合金工具钢 low-alloy tool steel

凿用工具钢 chisel tool steel

合金工具钢 alloy tool steel

合金工具钢车刀 alloy tool steel bit

塔特莫钼工具钢 Tatmo steel

工具钢 tool steel

普通碳素工具钢 plain carbon tool steel

油淬工具钢 oil hardened tool steel

特种工具钢 special tool steel

碳素工具钢 carbon tool steel

碳素工具钢带 carbon tool steel strip

钨工具钢 Riffel steel

钨铬钒工具钢 tungsten-chromium-vanadium tool steel

铬合金工具钢 ontario

锻造工具钢 wrought tool steel

高速工具钢 high-speed tool steel

