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攻击的英文翻译 攻击英文怎幺说 攻击的英文例句




    to attack
    to accuse
    to charge

attack [ә'tæk]

    n.进攻,攻击,(用语言)抨击,批评,疾病发作,侵袭 vt.攻击,抨击,动手处理(某事) vi.攻击

accuse [ә'kju:z]



也许人员不是攻击的目标Maybe the people weren't the target;一到西贡你就攻击他... Just after you arrived in saigon.一艘身份不明的飞船出现并攻击我们An unidentified ship emerged and attacked our shuttle.一些攻击韩国人的文章开始在中国线民中间传播。Some article assaulted korean begin to spread among chinese netizen.主电池刚才被等离子攻击打坏了My primary cell was damaged by a plasma attack.专用卫星shiosaki继续自动攻击Special satellite shiosaki is continuing its self-initiated attack.


三点法攻击 tri-point type attack

两栖攻击舰 amphibious assault ship

个人攻击 individual aggression

主动攻击 active attack

乘隙攻击 take someone at a disadvantage

人身攻击 personal abuse; personal attack

作出其不意的攻击 snipe at

假冒攻击 impersonation attack

写文章攻击 lampoon

准攻击 quasiaggression

分析攻击 analytical attack

协力攻击 made a dead set at

反应性攻击 reactive aggression

反社会攻击 antisocial aggression

反社会攻击型 type of antisocial aggression

受以攻击 under fire

口令攻击 password attack

口头攻击 verbal assaults

向...发起攻击 open an attack on

嗾使...去攻击 sick on

团体攻击 group aggression

大胆攻击 take by the beard; taken by the beard; took by the beard

密码分析攻击 crypt analytical attack

金钥搜索攻击 key search attack

对...的攻击 offensive against

工具性攻击 instrumental aggression

已知明文攻击 known-plain text attack

快速攻击作战运输舰 fast attack transport

惟密文攻击 cipher text-only attack

承受最厉害的攻击 stand in the gap

