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啃的英文翻译 啃英文怎幺说 啃的英文例句



    to gnaw
    to nibble
    to bite

gnaw [nɔ:]


nibble [nib(ә)l]

    n.半位元组,细咬,轻咬,啃 v.一点一点地咬,细咬,吹毛求疵


这时我开始啃咬我的指甲。This is where I start to bite my nails.注意不要让那个婴儿把家俱上的漆啃掉。Be careful that the baby doesn't gnaw the paint off furniture.老鼠会来啃我的脚趾吗?Rats nibbling at my toes?老鼠啃掉了麵包。The mouse nibbled the bread.老鼠啃起了绳子。The mouse gnaws the ropes.绵羊啃食着草地。Sheep were nibbling the grass.你还带了什幺我能慢慢啃的东西?What else have you brought that I might nibble upon?它们都被象龟无情地啃食All have been relentlessly cropped by giant tortoises like that.它们啃咬两边的胫骨They ate through both tibia.我啃不动代数问题。I couldn't touch the algebra paper.羊把草啃了。Sheep had cropped the grass.由于指甲挫总能伸手可及,他们就会去修指甲,而不啃指甲了。With a nail file always within reach they tended to groom rather than bite.于是,本停止了啃苹果。Ben stopped nibbling his apple.只是慢慢地啃一片麵包。Just nibble a piece of bread.


啃不动 bite off moe than one can chew

啃坏 chew up

啃边 edge failure

慢慢地啃 nibble at

杂色啃毛串线 mixed colour brilliant,strung

杂色啃毛扎把 mixed colour brilliant,bundled

白啃毛串线 strung white brilliant

白啃毛扎把 bundled white brilliant

红啃毛 red brilliant

红啃毛串线 strung red brilliant

红啃毛扎把 bundled red brilliant

黄梢白啃毛 yellowish white brilliant

黄梢白啃毛串线 strung yellowish white brilliant

黄梢白啃毛扎把 bundled yellowish white brilliant

