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恳的英文翻译 恳英文怎幺说 恳的英文例句




earnest [ә:nist]



他声音里面有恳求的语调。There was a pleading note in his voice.他作了诚恳的自我批评。He made a sincere self-criticism.我本应该表现得沉默寡言,没精打采,呆板迟钝,而我却表现得胸怀坦率,诚恳待人。I have been open and sincere where I ought to have been reserved spiritless dull and deceitful.我诚恳地说:“我对你感激之至。”I owe you an awful lot'i said sincerely.我就恳切祷告上帝,祁求他使我有办法教导这个可怜的野人。I seriously prayed to god that he would enable me to instruct savingly this poor savage.我恳求他,他连理都不理。He was deaf to my supplication.我们恳求你发慈悲。We pray you for mercy.我是作为恳求者来请你帮忙的。I come as a supplicant begging a favour.我已经恳求了5次了I'm pleading the fifth.在竞选活动中恳求潜在的投票者投票。Solicit votes from potential voters in an electoral campaign.这个恳求者偏要耶稣答应他的请求。A suppliant for her favors.真尴尬,对手的播音员开始恳求斯通投篮了,太糟糕了。That is embrassing.. announcers of the oppo sition team are begging alston to shoot.thats bad.正如他们所制定的山田烧恳这样的环境政策Just like their slash-and-burn environmental policies.


为...而恳求 entreat for

勤恳地干 sweat at

向...恳求 plead with

恳求 appeal; conjure; impetrate; implore; plea; supplication

恳求法官赦免 implore a judge for pardon; supplicate a judge to spare

恳求的 suppliant

恳求的信託 precatory trust

恳求者 suppliant; supplicant; precative; precatory; suppliant; supplicatory

恳请 cordially invite; earnestly request; request permission

恳请允准 request permission to do sth.

遗嘱中恳求式的信託 probatve trust

遗嘱的恳求信託 precatory trust

