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客机的英文翻译 客机英文怎幺说 客机的英文例句




    passenger plane

passenger [pæsindʒә(r)]


plane [plein]

    n.平面,飞机,水準,程度,刨 adj.平的,平面的 v.刨,刨平


公众对协和式客机的音爆所感到的不安。Popular anxiety about cortcorde's sonic boom.铝合金是民航客机和军用运输机的最主要的机体结构材料。Aluminum alloys are the primary structure materials of transport planes.每驾客机起飞前都要经过彻底的维修。There are thorough maintenance checks on each passenger plane before take-off.人们看见那架客机燃烧着坠落到山后,撞毁了。The passenger plane was seen blazing down behind the hill where it crashed.任何商业客机的驾驶员都可以要求受训。Any pilot of a commercial passenger plane could sign up for the training.这架客机隶属于西伯利亚航空公司,总部设在莫斯科以东1750英里的新西伯利亚。It belonged to sibir airlines which is based in novosibirsk about1750miles east of moscow.这是一架国产客机。It is a passenger plane made in china.最后,艾米丽雅驾驶着一架流线型洛克希德织女座飞机飞上蓝天,取代了她原先的客机。Eventually amelia was flying a sleek lockheed vega instead of an airster.昨天,两架客机在希思鲁机场几乎相撞。Two airliners were involved in a near miss over heathrow airport yesterday.


公共客机 aerobus

协和式超音速客机 Concord supersonic aircraft

同温层客机 stratoliner

喷气式客机 jetliner

大型客机 large-type passenger plane

客机 passenger plane; airliner

客机普通座 economy class

小型客机 air minibus

巨型客机 skymaster

干线客机 trunkliner

涡轮螺旋桨式客机 turboliner

涡轮螺桨式客机 turbo liner; turboliner

短程喷气客机 airbus

航线客机 n. liner

超级客机 superliner

高空客机 stratocruiser

