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供不应求的英文翻译 供不应求英文怎幺说 供不应求的英文例句




    supply does not meet demand

supply [sә'plai]

    n.补给,供给,供应品 vt.补给,供给,提供,补充,代理 vi.替代他人职务

does [dʌz]

    v.做,有用,工作 conj.是,做,要

meet [mi:t]

    n.会,集会 adj.适宜的,合适的 vt.遇见,(迎)接,与(某人目光)相遇,(赴约)和...会面,(经介绍)与...相识,对付 vi.相遇,接触

demand [di'ma:nd; (-) di'mænd]

    n.要求,需求(量),需要 v.要求,需要,要求知道,查询


开始供不应求。Demand began to exceed supply.本月份鱼供不应求。Demand for fish this month exceeds supply.这些新电脑供不应求,因此你要用高于官价的钱才能买到。These new computers are in short of supply and you have to pay over the odds to get one.剌嫩芽和蕨菜是国际市场供不应求的产品。Large demand for fresh tender shoots and fern in world market.然而,通胀的根本原因,供不应求,没有改变。However the root cause of inflation is that demand continues to outpace supply.鱼苗供不应求,他们正设法多供应一些。They are trying to supply more fry which is not keeping up with demand


供不应求 undersupplied commodities); commodity) in short supply; falls short of demand; deficiency of these consumer goods); shortage of commodity) supply; demand exceeds supply

供不应求的市场 tight market

供不应求的材料 materials in short supply

