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淩辱的英文翻译 淩辱英文怎幺说 淩辱的英文例句




    to insult

insult [in'sʌlt]

    n.侮辱,淩辱 vt.侮辱,淩辱


他听到她最后的一番话感到深受淩辱。He felt completely crushed (ie humiliated) by her last remark.不许你这样淩辱我妻子——滚到外面去,你这是自食其果!I refuse to allow you to insult my wife like that—come outside and take your medicine!她对这淩辱置之不理。She passed off the insult.粗鲁的或贬责的话;淩辱Rude or derogatory remark; insult你知道吗,淩辱是不合法的You know that hazing is illegal.囚犯受到虐待和淩辱。The prisoners had suffered maltreatment and abuse.他当由人打他的腮颊,要满受淩辱。Let him offer his cheek to one who would strike him and let him be filled with disgrace.在过去,我们也同样遭受到淩辱和剥削。We have known a similar past of humiliation and exploitation.这直接痛快的淩辱遇到的却是卑鄙的屈服。This straight forward bullying was met by abject submission.几年来,备受淩辱。The abuse went on tot years.他们掠夺我们,淩辱我们,鞭打我们,杀戮我们;但是,我们有时也还有一点自尊心。They plunder us outrage us beat us kill us; but we have a little pride left sometimes.


淩辱 humiliation; insults

淩辱公德罪 offense of outraging public decency

淩辱尸体罪 offense of mistreatment of corpse

无理淩辱 uncalled for insult

