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领子的英文翻译 领子英文怎幺说 领子的英文例句



[lǐng zǐ]

    shirt collar

shirt [ʃә:t]


collar [ˈkɒlər]

    n 1 band, upright or folded over, round the neck of a shirt, coat, dress, etc 衣领: turn one's collar up against the wind, ie to keep one's neck warm 竖起领子挡风 * grab sb by the collar 抓住某人的领子 * [attrib 作定语] What is your collar size? 你的衣领尺寸是多少? * a stiff collar, ie a starched detachable one, worn with a shirt 硬领(浆过的可卸下的领子). =>illus at jacket 见jacket之插图. 2 band of leather, metal, etc put round an animal's (esp a dog's) neck 戴在动物(尤指狗)颈部的项圈: Our dog has its name on its collar. 我们的狗的项圈上有它的名字. 3 metal band or ring joining two pipes, rods or shafts, esp in a machine (连接两条管、 杆或轴的)圈; 箍(尤指机器中的). 4 (idm 习语) hot under the collar => hot


如果领子不合适,我将不得不用针将它别好。If the collar won't stay in place. I shall have to pin it bock.他把领子翻起来。He turned up his collar.突然她抓住我的后脖领子,把我从座位上猛地一拉。Suddenly she caught me by the back of my collar and yanked me from the seat.羊毛或抓绒带领子的长袖衫。Wool or fleece long sleeve shirt with collar.衬衣的领子还是缝的好好的。His shirt collar was securely sewed.十六世纪欧洲人服饰上通行的一种领子。A ruff for the neck worn in the16th century.他的黑茄克的领子上覆盖了一层头皮屑,看上去太可怕了!The collar of his black jacket was covered with scurf--it looked horrible!她在领子附近用-根别针把睡衣别住。She pinned the gown at the neck with a safety-pin.我的晨礼服,我的领子紧托着下巴,My morning coat my collar mounting firmly to the chin我解开他的白领子,还有衬衫。L removed his white collar and l opened up his shirt.


被人提着领子和裤裆身不由地踮着脚尖走 walk spanish

