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shell [ʃel]

    n.贝壳,壳,外形,炮弹 vt.去壳,脱落,炮轰 vi.剥落,脱壳 [计] 设定命令列解译器的位置


以植物的汁液为食的微小的昆虫;与介壳虫有关。Minute insect that feeds on plant juices; related to scale insects.于是,一个已经填满的支壳层的角动量为零,并且是球面对称的。Hence a full subshell has zero angular momentum and is spherically symmetric.中国大陆地壳铅同位素演化的动力学模型。Dynamic model for pb isotope evolution in the continental crust of china.主要用于船体的水线,船壳内、外壁使用、也可用于集装箱外壁使用。For boot top hull interior and exterior or container exterior.兹确认卖给你方手捡、去壳不分等级的花生五十公吨。We confirm having sold you50metric tons of groundnuts hand-picked shelled and ungraded.作为露脊鲸食物的微小的甲壳动物。Minute crustaceans forming food for right whales.


上壳面 epivalve

上旋壳 hyperstrophic包括极左旋和极右旋两类壳体。

下壳面 hypovalve

不透水外壳 water-tight case

不锈钢壳 stainless case

不锈钢錶壳 stainless steel watch case

不锈钢錶壳粗坯 stainless steel watch case blank

专家系统外壳 expert system shell

中间壳体 intermediate casing

主壳刺 cardinal spine

书壳压平机 case-straightening machine

乳白玻壳 opal bulb

二十面体壳体 icosahedron capsid

介壳灰岩 coquina

低碳钢外壳 mild steel shell

侧船壳板 n. side plating

倒盾状囊壳 catathecium, catothecium

倒锥形壳 obconical

假子囊壳 pseudoperithecium

假疹壳 pseudopunctate shell

偏心轮壳 eccentric boss

具刺壳 spiny shell

具褶壳 plicated shell

内卵壳 endochorion内卵壳

内壳层 inner shell

内壳面 internal valve

内底船壳板 n. inner bottom plating

内旋壳 involute

内部船壳板 n. inner plating

冰壳 ice rind, glass ice

