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靠近的英文翻译 靠近英文怎幺说 靠近的英文例句




    to approach

near [niә(r)]

    adj.亲近的,亲密的,近,(车,马等)左侧的,吝啬的 adv.(时间,空间方面)近,不远 prep.在...近旁,近... v.接近,走近

approach [ә'prәutʃ]

    n.接近,逼近,走进,方法,步骤,途径,通路 vt.接近,动手处理 vi.靠近


我靠近破船时,船上出现了一只狗。它一见到我驶近,就汪汪吠叫起来。When I came close to her a dog appear'd upon her who seeing me coming yaff'd and cry'd;我们在靠近山顶处搭营帐。We pitched our camp near the mountaintop.我们正靠近滑流入口。We're approaching the slipstream portal.屋子里很黑,但靠近窗户的地方有点微光。The room was dark but there was a shimmer of moonlight at the window.向杂岩体方向靠近,在东德兰士瓦,曾报导有直闪石。Close in towards the complex anthophyllite has been reported from the eastern transvaal.小蔡,靠近蛛网膜下Chase near the subarachnoid space.小舌音的利用小舌音或舌后靠近或触到小舌音的部位来发音的Articulated by vibration of the uvula or with the back of the tongue near or touching the uvula.义大利西南部靠近第勒尼安海的一个地区,包括卡普里岛和伊斯基尔岛。A region of southwestern italy on the tyrrhenian sea including the islands of capri and ischia.在靠近交界上有重要的一连串的含镍橄揽岩体的侵入。Near the border zone an important string of nickeliferous peridotites is emplaced.在靠近嘴部有焦油污染Has tar stains on the mouth end only.在自己周围召唤剑刃屏障,给靠近的敌人造成持续伤害。Surrounds you with spinning blades that deal damage over time to all opponents nearby.


不要靠近 keep clear of

不靠近 kept away

俯身靠近 bend over

几乎靠近 went near

把...靠近 lean against; lean on; lean upon

比...靠近海岸 inshore of

纯然由于靠近 by sheer proximity

逐渐靠近 draw upon

靠近 gotten on for; gotten on to; gotten on towards

靠近尺度 nearest scale

靠近港 off the port

靠近话筒 on mike; onmike

靠近速度 approach speed; approach velocity

