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更好的英文翻译 更好英文怎幺说 更好的英文例句





better [betә(r)]

    adj.较好的 adv.更好的,更多的,更佳的

more [mɔ:(r)]

    adj.更多的 n.更多 adv.更,更多,更加,超过,多,大大高于 num.更多


因为数位化技术在扩散,我们殷切希望各军种更好地相互依赖。We should expect the services to be more interdependent as digitization proliferates.因为我们专业所以我们做得更好!We do better because of our specialization!与语言讲述相比,直观教具往往能够帮助你更好地理解。Visual aids can often help you understand something better than just being told about it.在更好的世界里,我会请你跳方块舞。In a better world I could ask you to square dance.在和麵的时候掺和一点白糖口感会更好。The flour would taste better if we added a little white sugar during the dough-making process.在据点城里访问了英烈祠的英雄将变成更好的武士。Heroes visiting the hall of valhalla in a stronghold become better warriors.做得更好,同时也可以金枪鱼零克饱和脂肪!Even better that same can of tuna has zero grams of saturated fat!


反而更好 be the best for

听到更好的人 haer the beat; see the beat

境况更好 be better off

就更好了 better still

情况更好 better off

把...改得更好 improve on

更好 all the better; so much the better

更好是 better still

更好生意局 Better Business BureauBBB)

更好的事是 what is better

没有...更好过些 be better off without

知道比那更好的方法 know a trick worth two of that

等待更好的时机 wait for the wagon

表现更好 smnrten up

认为...更好 have a preference for

