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耕的英文翻译 耕英文怎幺说 耕的英文例句



    to plow
    to till

plow [plau]


till [til]

    prep.直到,在...以前,迄 conj.在...以前,直到...为止 vt.耕种 n.(商店)铁柜,放钱的抽屉,备用现金,冰渍


一些开垦的土地可以重新耕种。Some reclaimed land can now be farmed again.一种半翅目长虫;通常体色鲜亮;是耕作类庄稼和一些果树的害虫。A true bug: usually bright-colored; pest of cultivated crops and some fruit trees.原先的森林已被耕地和牧场所取代。Forests have given place to tillage and pasture.在生长季节不耕种不播种。Left unplowed and unseeded during a growing season.在做退耕决策时,农户考虑各种因素的影响,其行为总体来看是理性的。Doing policy the farmers consider various factors he overall view is rational behavior.


万能耕耘机 versatile tillage machine

三轮型中耕拖拉机 tricycle-type row-crop tractor

两轮犁耕拖拉机 two-wheeled ploughing tractor

中耕 intertill

中耕作物 row crops; clean-cultivated crop

中耕作物喷粉机 row-crop sprayer

中耕农作制 row crop tillage system

中耕培土 cultivation and banking

中耕培土机 cultivator-hiller

中耕拖拉机 row-crop tractor

中耕机 cultivator

中耕机铲 cultivator share

中耕翻土 outthrow

中耕间苗机 hoe thinner

中耕除草机 extirpator

交叉中耕 criss cross cultivation

交叉犁耕 cross plowing

休耕 fallow

休耕地 fallow ground

保土耕作 conservation tillage免耕、少耕和留茬耕作等以保持土壤为目的的耕作技术的总称。

免耕 zero tillage

免耕农业 till-less agriculture; no-till agriculture

免耕法 zero tillage

全休耕地 clean fallow

全年耕作 full time farming

共同耕地 common field

农场土壤耕作制度 soil tillage system on farms

刀耕火种 slash and burn cultivation

刀耕火种农业 slash-and-burn agriculture

分益耕种法 metayage

