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    surname Geng

surname [sә:neim]

    n.姓 v.用姓称呼


他老是对自己表演中的不足这处耿耿于怀。He tends to dwell on the negative aspects of his performance.一个幼稚而放蕩的晚会耿耿于怀Of infantile debauchery that your so-called friends have planned for you.耿耿原上耕,默默不闻鸟雀声,青山照影中。Tilling the field.not even a bird the shadow of the hill.耿素云,屈婉玲,集合论导引,北京大学出版社,1990。Hrbacek and jech: introduction to set theory dekker press 1999.罗宾汉和他一百五十位忠心耿耿的朋友住在雪伍德森林。Robin hood lived in sherwood forest with one hundred fifty of his loyal friends.确信你的耿氏二极体没有同时在音讯或高频振荡。Be sure your gunn diode does not oscillate at audio or hf as well.他是诚实耿直的典範。He was a paragon of honesty and uprightness.他是个绝对忠心耿耿的人。He's a true blue of the strictest type.同时也附带揭示出任华的性格特点:耿直、磊落、傲岸、豪达。In addition it depicts ren's character as upright open-minded aloof generous and magnanimous.为什幺总是为此耿耿于怀呢?Why keep worrying about it?一个忠心耿耿、刚毅无畏的僕人。A loyal and stout-hearted servant.


对...耿耿于怀 take hard

耿氏二极体 Gunn diode

耿氏二极体振荡器 Gunn diode oscillator

耿氏交叉征 Gunn crossing sign曾用名"格恩动静脉现象Gunn arteriovenous phenomenon)"。

耿氏效应 Gunn effect

耿氏效应固态频率发生器 Gunn effect solid state frequency source

耿氏效应振荡器 Gunn effect oscillator

耿耿于怀 taken to heart

耿二极体 Gunn diode

耿效应 Gunn effect

