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哽的英文翻译 哽英文怎幺说 哽的英文例句




choking [tʃәukiŋ]

    adj.窒息的,憋闷的 透不过气来的


卡德鲁斯用一种哽咽的声音问道。Asked caderousse in a choking voice.苹果差点把他哽住。The apple almost choked him.他想说什麽,但哽住了,什麽话都说不出来。He tried to say something but gulp and no word come.她喉咙中的鱼骨使她哽噎。The fish bone in her throat made her choke.太紧以至于快要哽住的。So tight as to tend to choke.为了是嗓子不哽塞住,He was so like to choke;哽咽,噎住,阻塞因感情激动而说不出话来To be unable to speak because of strong emotion.果仁容易吸入气管而引起哽噎。Nuts are easily breathed into the windpipe and can cause choking.话在她喉头哽住了。The words lumped in her throat.汤姆哽咽着低声说:Tom choked off and whispered:这有点哽咽走了!That little sob is gone!


哽咽欲泣 lump in her throat; lump in his throat; lump in my throat; lump in our throat; lump in the throat; lump in their throat; lump in your throat

喉咙哽住 lump in her throat; lump in his throat; lump in my throat; lump in our throat; lump in the throat; lump in their throat; lump in your throat

气哽 chokes

