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    to read

read [ri:d]

    v.读,阅读,理解,学习 adj.有学问的 n.读取 vbl.read的过去式和过去分词


在耀眼的光线下看书伤眼睛。To read in the glaring light hurts one's eyes.皮特小时候总喜欢做在这只杌凳上看书。Petter loved reading on this square stool when he was young.请看书上的火车时刻表。Look at the train timetable in your books.她舒适地蜷缩在扶手椅上看书。She's curled up snugly in t he armchair reading a book.僮子说:“先生正在草堂看书。”The servant said: "the mentor is reading books at his thatched cottage."我巴不得能有机会看书,但我的同桌却唠唠叨叨地说个不停。All I wanted was a chance to read my book but my seatmate talked my ear off.我喜欢躺在床上看书。I like to read in bed.我整晚都坐在椅子上看书I was reading in the chair all night.我最大的嗜好是看书,我喜欢看书甚于出去玩。My greatest passion was reading and I preferred that to going out to play.我坐在书桌前看书。I was sitting at my desk reading.嘘,我在看书。Sh! I'm reading!在医院里,他看书,写诗,参加职业疗法。In hospital he read wrote poetry participated in occupational therapy.


借看书使自己睡着 read to sleep

