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    to take a look at
    to examine
    to survey

take [teik]

    v.拿,拿走,取,抓,佔领,获得,接受,感受 n.捕获量

look [luk]

    n.看,注视,脸色,面容,外表 vi.看,注意,朝着,好象,显得 vt.打量,注视,用眼神(或脸色)表示,期待

examine [ig'zæmin]



他四处搜寻看看能找到些什幺。He had a scout around to see what he could find.他四处搜寻看看能找到些什麽。He have a scout around to see what he can find.他一定会意味深长地看看查理。He would have looked significantly at charlie.他用疑虑的眼光看看他碟子上奇怪的食物。He looked with misgiving at the strange food on his plate.他越来越想转身看看这座蜡像。He wanted more and more to turn round and look at the figure.他在普拉托待了三个月,现在到佛罗伦斯来看看能捞到点什幺。He has been at prato for three months and now he's come to florence to see what he can net.下下星期一你再来看看。Look in again monday week.也许我们要去当铺看看Maybe if we check out the pawnshop.仔细看看那个染了色的玻璃窗Get a load of that stained-glass window.再好好看看,耳舒拉。Check them again ursula.再看看你们的打扮!I mean iook at the way you` re dressed只要看看空调里腐臭的水While staring at the rancid unchanged water of an ac unit.


带领...到处看看 show around

看看 get a sight of; gets a sight of; got a sight of; gotten a sight of

看看是否 see if; see whether

